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Charity Info

The Killarney Womens Mini Marathon is the marathon for everyone – that makes it an ideal event to raise funds for charities.

One of life’s greatest rewards is helping others by running for a charity. In our section dedicated entirely to charities and the work they dofind a charity to run for or even those charities with available race places.

How to Reach Fundraising Targets – Going that Extra Mile

We have provided some hints and tips on how to utilise social media for reaching those all important fundraising targets.

Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are a fantastic way of telling people about your running and charity fundraising.

Here are some tips on how to use social networking sites to help you reach your fundraising targets.

Facebook is a treasure chest of fundraising opportunities.

Some ideas include:

* Regularly update your status feed: update your facebook status every time you receive a large donation, and with notes on your training. Then add a link for friends to donate.

* Post photos and videos: post sweaty, hot, flustered pictures of your training to show everyone how hard you are working for your chosen charity!

* Start a group: create a group dedicated to your fundraising and invite all your contacts. Post photos and snippets of your training, and talk about why you are fundraising for your charity. Just remember to keep the conversation buzzing with regular posts.

* Thank your friends when they donate through wallposts, and again add a link to your donation page

The new craze of the year. Twitter is a way to stay in touch with your friends or contacts in real-time. It is a great way to explain how you are raising money in a simple and non intrusive way. You can update twitter through your mobile phone.

Get friends to ‘re-tweet’ to their contacts, so to share the message.


Add an email signature to your emails and state who you are raising money for, and how people can donate.

…and most of all however you decide to fundraise, remember to talk about your charity, what they do and why the cause is so important to you.