Route Details

Race Route

10 KM Route

  • Start at Missionary Road @11 am Sharp
  • Proceed towards the Cathedral
  • Take a left at the electric gates and veer right
  • Take a left and proceed down the river
  • Half way down the 5km and the 10km split – the 10km turn right
  • The 10km proceed along the track and take another right and proceed up the little pull towards Deenagh Lodge
  • Participants proceed past the playground and all the way along the tarmac path to the Castlerosse Hotel
  • Participants proceed to cross the carpark and up and over the golf course
  • Participants come through the gap and again veer right
  • Participants cross two cattle grids and on the second one turn right to the river junction.
  • Water Station is at the river junction
  • Turn right at the river junction and follow the lake shore, taking the next left and the next left again leading all participants around the lakeshore anti clockwise and returning to the river junction
  • Participants now take a right and proceed back up the river
  • Turn left at the very top and head towards Deenagh Lodge, take a right
  • Make a final sprint and finish in the Field beside playground.

5KM route

  • Start at Missionary Road @11 am Sharp
  • Proceed towards the Cathedral
  • Take a left at the electric gates and veer right
  • Take a left and proceed down the river
  • Half way down the 5km and the 10km split – the 10km turn right and the 5km continue down the river path.
  • The 5km participants continue through the river junction and cut across the path and follow the river around the lakeshore anticlockwise.
  • The participants take the next left and the next left and returning to the river junction
  • Participants now take a right and proceed back up the river
  • Turn left at the very top and head towards Deenagh Lodge, take a right
  • Make a final sprint and finish in the Field beside playground.